There are people who think that yard work is a bore. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
Thanks to the perpetually barking mutt next door, I am growing to really hate golden retrievers: Huskies rule.
Peter and I discovered this week that we have a lot more equity in #11 than some of our friends, who have lived here a lot longer.
Makes me feel a little better about waiting “too long” to buy property on Cape Cod, where the average sale price of property last month was $369,662.00. That is, the average sale price of property under a million.
Operation FALCON
Operation FALCON netted 10,340 fugitives and cleared more than 13,800 felony warrants.
But lest one get carried away with admiration, note that the U.S. Marshalls service used to conduct sweeps like this, back in the mid 80’s and 90’s. Why did they stop? Budget cuts.
Backward Somersault
Slime-mold Beetles Named for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld
A couple of entomologists named three new species of slime-mold beetles “out of admiration” for the Bushites “principles” and not, so they claim, “because they look like the beetles”.
Continue reading Slime-mold Beetles Named for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld
It’s tax week, also the week the mortgage is due; I’m doing up customer invoices, and a couple days ago negotiated a new contract starting next Monday.
This morning, I balanced my biz and personal checking accounts through my bank’s online service. Yesterday, flush (pun intended) with our recent successes around town water installation and yard clean-up, Peter and I talked about the next round of modest home improvements at 11 Edgewater.
In other words: money time.
Gardener’s Diary
Hollytoned Peter’s big tree and the shrubs today, also put down SuperPhosphate around the rhodies, azaleas and the peony.
Let’s hope I haven’t killed them with kindness.
The nasty wind and cold are doing a job on my poor pansies. I’m going to leave them next to the house until things improve….
Note from Bob
My 9-year-old grandson, Bob, comes from a family where it is expected that children will have a firm command of written English.
That’s what happens, I guess, when your Dad writes for a living and your Mom was a newspaper reporter in a former life.
Figured out VPN…
File ->Import Connection
Open .rcf (VPN connection policy file)
DMA next?
Pretty Good Deal
I heard something on the news yesterday about the British monarchy that might change my opinion about their reputation as “parasites” on the put-upon working classes.
Going Wireless
I’d like to make my home completely wireless, but to tell you the truth, anything to do with networking gives me head cramp.
For example, one of my really good customers has been working with me for months on connecting to their VPN. I can’t figure it out for the life of me.
A couple of years ago, I bought an iBook and an Airport wireless router, and love them both dearly.
Then, earlier this year, after months of indecision, I bought an Inspiron 5160 laptop with a wireless card, and have grown to love it, too.