The Happy Sound (of Guests Leaving)

Much as I like the nostalgia and charm of those parts of the Cape that are mostly Summer rentals, I’m glad I live in a year-round neighborhood.

My across the street neighbor, who is a fabulous person, was away this past week, and she invited a number of guests to stay at her house. I think at one point there were 10 or more people.
They are an extended family, nice folks, but I’m happy to hear their preparations to return home – the hum of a vacuum cleaner, opening and closing of car doors, etc.
They’ve been reasonably considerate, but their presence has made enough of a difference in the regular routine to be noticeable, especially last night.
The noise from a particularly raucous game of whiffle ball, and a car parked directly across from my driveway were irritations, so much so that I managed to get my truck out of the yard and left for an hour.
I can’t imagine what it must be like for year-rounders who put up with strangers staying in their neighborhood for the entire summer.
My friend will be home tomorrow, and she’s expecting more visitors, but it’ll be better with her around to moderate. Besides, I miss her company, and I’m looking forward to catching up on the news of her trip.