Well, What Did They Expect?

Imagine, if you will, that you have been offered a good-paying job in the call center of a prestige company that offers top-of-the-line training, benefits, security and unlimited opportunities for growth and advancement.
Imagine further that your job exists because another worker was fired from theirs, leaving them without a means to support themselves or their kids, no health insurance and no realistic prospects for the future.
Finally, imagine that your CUSTOMER is that worker, or a friend or relative of that worker.
So, when you sit down at your nice new desk and pick up your nice new headset, what would YOU expect to hear on the other end of your nice new telephone?
Does this sound like a nightmare scenario to you?

Continue reading Well, What Did They Expect?

When It Rains…..

This morning, I went to a showing of “WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price” at a local church, when my left eye popped.
I started seeing big “floaters” and thousands of tiny black spots, and the characterisic “waves” of an eye migraine – there is no pain, but your vision is distorted, as if you’re looking through a thin waterfall.
So, watching the excesses of the WAL-MART Corporation made me sick.

Continue reading When It Rains…..