And Small Business Is Where?

I’m watching the videocast of Steve Ballmer and others announce the new VS2005, SQL2005 and BizTalk2006.
Ballmer just made the statement that MSFT cares about more than “just” the Enterprise – they also care about STUDENTS and HOBBYISTS.
Well, I’ve been saying this for the last year, and I suppose it’s some satisfaction that Steve confirmed it – small businesses and the developers that support them can pretty much stuff it.

Better Living, with Vinegar

Having read some where that vinegar is less toxic to the environment than commercial household cleaners, I bought a 5 litre jug of it for $2.79 at BJ’s the other day.
Then found pages of encomiums celebrating the humble stuff on the Frugal Living website.
For example, this is equivalent to that expensive Pergo cleaner. Just spray it on the floor and mop:
1/3 part white vinegar
1/3 part rubbing alcohol
1/3 part water
3 drops diswashing liquid

Gardener’s Diary

First round of clean-up, done at #20.
Cut down the Montauks, the hostas, the larkspur and daisy skeletons, most of the Lady’s Mantle, one mum. Left the iris and the hydrangeas for now. Got to dig up and dry the dahlias.
A fine Indian summer day, and although it’s past peak, there’s still plenty of leaf color to enjoy.