William Jennings Bryan was portrayed as a villain in the place where I grew up, a reactionary who took the “wrong” side in the Scopes trial of 1925.
Bryan, of course, was part of the prosecution team that brought a case against John Scopes for teaching the Theory of Evolution in defiance of Tennessee law.
Bryan was also instrumental in introducing legislation in 15 states which would have banned the teaching of Evolution Theory.
An Excellent Question
The Boston Herald put some numbers around the homeless population and the lack of subsidized housing in today’s online edition.
Gardener’s Diary
The weather people predicted rain for most of the long weekend (they’ve been right so far, it started early this morning), so Emme, James and I did some more cleanup work at #11 yesterday, with a big assist from neighbor Joe.
Kwincy Kops
The Patriot Ledger reports yet more bad behavior on the part of a Kwincy Kop who crashed into a van after being pursued by the Staties last weekend.
The Edwards Evacuees, Cumbre Vieja and Other Musings
The Boston Globe reports this morning that the subset of NO evacuees at Otis who are foolish enough to want to stay in Massachusetts are compiling a list of grievances, including a claim that there aren’t enough black organizations or volunteers “being allowed” on Edwards – as if black citizens were being forcibly excluded from the Base, a claim which no doubt comes as a big surprise to the black clergyman who is acting “Mayor” of “Edwards Village”.
Continue reading The Edwards Evacuees, Cumbre Vieja and Other Musings
Send Us Your Tired, Your Poor (Whoops, That’s Us)
AP reports that the FDIC ranked Massachusetts 45th out of the 50 states for job growth in Q2 this year and New England, 8th out of the 9 regions nationally.
Continue reading Send Us Your Tired, Your Poor (Whoops, That’s Us)
Who ARE These People? Part II
I keep reading about rich “baby boomers”. You’d think here on Seizure World East I’d have run into a few by now, but I’ll be darned if I can find them.
Here’s the latest scoop on what the Boomers are up to, from a CNN article:
Ballroom dancing is particularly popular among aging baby boomers who didn’t grow up with many opportunities for formal dancing, says Richards. Typically, their dancing history consisted of freestyle moves “with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other,” he says. Now, however, they find themselves at charity balls, cruises and other settings where ballroom dancing takes place and they want to learn about it so they sign up for classes.
What I’d Really Like to See
Keeping up the theme of the week – making a hire – I would love, just once, to see an HONEST job posting, where the employer lists their REAL requirements.
I think it would look something like this:
The White House claims that 20 Supreme Court justices had no prior experience as judges before their appointments, including William Rehnquist, John Marshall, Robert Jackson, Louis Brandeis, Lewis Powell, Arthur Goldberg, Earl Warren, Tom Clark, William O. Douglas, Harlan Fiske Stone and Felix Frankfurter.
Finding Good Help (It Ain’t Easy)
The local paper has Help Wanted ads for painters, landscapers, truck drivers, office clerks, cooks, and stretch limo chauffeurs.
What do these postings NOT have in common with the BFOQ’s for appointment to the Supreme Court in Bush’s World?
They all require job experience.