Bin Laden or another major terrorist leader will be captured by the US or a “friendly” government, like Pakistan, and/or the terrorism response alert will be raised to orange (“high”) on one or more of the following dates:
October 1
October 6
October 9 and
October 14 of this year
Wanna know why? Continue reading…
Gardener’s Diary
Well, thanks to the dampening effect of the land mass known as Long Island, the vestiges of Hurricane Charlie pelted us with just a couple of brief periods of driving rain, thus sparing the garden from significant damage – but what a day for kites!
Olympics, Feh!
In starting this post, I’m reminded of the famous line spoken by the skunk Flower in the classic Disney film “Bambi”: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
Check It Out
To see all 17 Move.on ads, just keep changing the value of the QueryString (e.g., ad_id=2).
They are all SO good, it’s almost impossible to rate them. Which one is your favorite?
Recommended Reading
Bob Herbert’s Admit We Have a Problem, on the ever more dismal American economy:
“This year, more people will end up bankrupt than will suffer a heart attack. More adults will file for bankruptcy than will be diagnosed with cancer. More people will file for bankruptcy than will graduate from college. And, in an era when traditionalists decry the demise of the institution of marriage, Americans will file more petitions for bankruptcy than for divorce.” (Elizabeth Warren, co-author of “The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke,” 2003)
Gardener’s Diary (Part 2)
Well, I lied, I spent all day hunting for decent-looking annuals, replacing the tired pansies, weeding, edging and mowing the lawn.
I feel better, and it’s not just because my lunch was a pint of the best frozen yogurt in the world, low-fat blueberry from Four Seas of Cape Cod.
CBS’s CSI: NY, which premieres on Wednesday, September 22 at 10, stars two of our favorites, Gary Sinise and Melina Kanakaredes.
They have their work cut out for them: their characters’ names are Mack “Mac” Taylor and (I kid you not) Stella Bonasera.
Gardener’s Diary
It’s a disaster, and right now, I’m not going to do a whole lot about it.
Big Dig, South
There are no fewer than THREE big construction projects going on in my neighborhood and lucky us, we’ve learned that contractors can start work at 7 AM.
Bubble Gun
I’m not big on plastic toys, but made an exception at last night’s Hyannis street fair.