Sometimes It Takes So Little (To Make Us Happy)

When I lived in Marshfield, almost 9 years ago, I discovered that the local fish market gave out these trick little calendars that provided the time of sunrise and sunset.
I loved this calendar so much that after moving to the Cape, I’d make a special trip once a year to Marshfield to pick one up, usually around the winter holidays. Sometimes I’d stop in on the way back from dropping Peter off at Logan for Macworld Expo in January.
For the last couple of years, I’ve missed getting the calendar because the fish market didn’t happen to be open at the time of my visit. It wasn’t a major tragedy, but still, a modest deprivation of an ordinary pleasure, being able to easily track length of day and especially the time of sunset in the winter.
Yesterday, I was in one of the Mid-Cape Home Centers, located across the street from where I work. The cashier’s station was closed, so customers were routed to the service desk. To my surprise, there was a small supply of the very same almanac type calendars at the desk.
That means that instead of taking my chances on a long detour to Marshfield, I can just drop by a local store to pick up my annual calendar. At my convenience. Whenever I want.
It’s not a million dollars or the answer to world peace, but in my world, a good enough reason for at least a modest bit of rejoicing.

We Might Have Guessed

I have to admit that when I first learned of Tim Russert’s sudden passing, the thought went through my head that Mother Nature had taken her revenge : one NBC/MSNBC male chauvinist down, two to go.
My second reaction was bewilderment with the media’s preoccupation with Russert’s ethnic and religious background: he was Irish Catholic and thus, part of the wealthiest, largest and most powerful ethnic group in the United States. Okay, so what? Is that supposed to tell us something we didn’t know about Tim Russert, or is it just another example of the media’s recent obsession with religion: Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ, Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith.
Before he jumped on the Olbermann/Matthews misogyny bandwagon, Tim Russert was someone I looked forward to seeing on Sunday mornings. Up until his red-faced reaction to Hillary Clinton (watching his last interview with Senator Clinton on Meet the Press, I honestly thought he was going to stroke), his “gotchas” seemed reasonably unbiased, and his good-humored, intelligent affliction of the comfortable was both entertaining and instructive.
His ungracious interview with Clinton and the embarrassingly mucked-up moderation of the Democratic candidate debate should have warned all of us, though, that something was seriously wrong with Tim Russert.
As it turns out, not only did he suffer from cardiovascular disease, but according to some reports, he was diabetic, an illness which is notorious for causing personality changes as well as potentially serious physical disability.
Thus, it makes me angry that the treatment Tim Russert received, the conventional “solutions” to his very common illnesses, was so ineffective, perhaps hastening his death and certainly impacting his quality of life. As a result, the public, and more importantly, his family and friends, have been deprived of his presence.
I hope the media gets that particular message.

Um, Ah

It’s considered bad form to pepper a speech with um’s and ah’s. Then, where did the recent annoying practice of sprinkling these noises into written essays and articles come from?
I’m especially fascinated by the fact that male writers seem to be using this device, even though it reads more like baby talk than sophisticated repartee.
Consider this excerpt from a piece about the Tony awards by Time’s James Poniewozik:
Don’t get me wrong: I enjoy a good August: Osage County joke as good as the next guy who’s, um never seen the play
Given, Mr. Poniewozik is not writing about manly stuff like war or sports, but I still find this unseemly.

First Cicadas

After a couple of days of rain, and warm-to-hot weather expected this weekend, the first cicadas are emerging in my yard.
Scully, my neighbor’s dog, is very good at spotting them. They are rotund, about an inch and a half long, and about the ugliest bug you can imagine.
I spotted about a dozen burrows 4-5 inches deep.
Nothing to be done about them, I guess.

Blowing the Lid Off the Myth of the Underpaid Public Servant

The latest issue of Commonwealth reports that the average teacher salary in the city of Boston is over $71,000 a year.
That’s $71,000 a year for a part-time job – this doesn’t take into account earnings during the summer, for example.
And check out this article by Janice Revell, Money Magazine senior writer, who reports on the city of Vallejo, California’s decision to declare bankruptcy as a result of its staggering public pension debt.
As Ms. Revell reports, Massachusetts is one of the three highest profile examples of similar problems, South Carolina and Pennsylvania being the other two.

TLC for Truck

Over the last two days, the truck got an oil change, a new muffler plus additional exhaust system work and four brand new tires.
The difference in the drive is amazing.
The work had to get done for more than comfort and safety reasons: truck is due for a state inspection this month. Getting tires yesterday (Saturday) ate up a chunk of the afternoon, but since my original plan was to do this during the week, it was a half-full deal.


Finally, an answer to a question I’ve been asking for the last couple of months: the cicadas that are steadily emerging from their underground nests will be here for about a month.
Well, at least part of the summer will be bearable.

That Toddlin’ Town

Thanks to Father Michael Pfleger, the latest lunatic clergyman in the Obama camp, Chicago, Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, acquired two new appellations this week: Race-Baiter and Woman-Hater.
You might have trouble finding any MSM coverage of Pfleger this morning; has taken the story off its home page, and it’s nowhere to be found on, or Try
I’m wondering what this unapologetic, uncritical spewing of hate speech is doing to the relationships of Black and White workers – you know, ordinary people who don’t live in the posh neighborhoods where Democratic super delegates and owners of national news organizations roam.
I wonder how much more misery Black civil servants with a chip on their shoulder are going to bestow on the public now that at least two members of the clergy have made it acceptable to publicly vilify innocent White people, especially White women.
This whole Obama campaign has descended into a nightmare for everyone but self-hating, guilt-ridden rich White folks and middle-aged men who are looking for nookie with left-leaning coeds.
If it weren’t so ugly, it would almost be laughable.