Sometimes It Takes So Little (To Make Us Happy)

When I lived in Marshfield, almost 9 years ago, I discovered that the local fish market gave out these trick little calendars that provided the time of sunrise and sunset.
I loved this calendar so much that after moving to the Cape, I’d make a special trip once a year to Marshfield to pick one up, usually around the winter holidays. Sometimes I’d stop in on the way back from dropping Peter off at Logan for Macworld Expo in January.
For the last couple of years, I’ve missed getting the calendar because the fish market didn’t happen to be open at the time of my visit. It wasn’t a major tragedy, but still, a modest deprivation of an ordinary pleasure, being able to easily track length of day and especially the time of sunset in the winter.
Yesterday, I was in one of the Mid-Cape Home Centers, located across the street from where I work. The cashier’s station was closed, so customers were routed to the service desk. To my surprise, there was a small supply of the very same almanac type calendars at the desk.
That means that instead of taking my chances on a long detour to Marshfield, I can just drop by a local store to pick up my annual calendar. At my convenience. Whenever I want.
It’s not a million dollars or the answer to world peace, but in my world, a good enough reason for at least a modest bit of rejoicing.