
Light frost this morning. I turned off the back faucet and disconnected the hoses last night.

Kitty came by for a 2 hour nap. I had to dismiss him when it got dark.

Robert was feeling better so I drove him to work this morning. Wound Center at noon.

Treated Ron to lunch at Panera yesterday. They’d sent a $5 coupon to try out their Rapid Pickup: fantastic service. We loved our meals. Actually cost about the same as what I paid today at Wendy’s. Yes, I’ve been out of control, buying lunches twice this week.

Stopped in to Harbor Freight to look for an extension cord for Peter. Did not get one; had forgotten how expensive they are.

I finally sliced open the pumpkins. One had rotted seeds, so I’m composting it. I roasted the other and will make soup.

Found a nice sauce recipe while at the Wound Center that looked like it would work for slow cooker pork chops. House smells great.

Found and tested a bunch of outdoor lights. Cut down the asparagus. Cleaned out most of the debris under the big hydrangeas. Swept the deck of the gutter junk that Ron cleaned out the other day and put the grill and chairs back.

A Gift From God?

In frustration with the most recent round of petty BS, I finally resigned from the Library Board yesterday.

I try but after 70 years, still haven’t figured out “the formula” to “fit in”.

Discussion with Ron followed this morning.

Ron says he and I want to make the world better, but the people we encounter make it so impossible that it would take a “gift from God” to make it happen.

I Must Be Dying

“The three-month hemoglobin A1C test that measures blood sugar should register less than 7 percent, blood pressure should be less than 120 over 80, and LDL — or “bad” cholesterol — should be 70 mg/dL or lower.”

Yeah.  Right.

Sometimes It Comes In Twos

Our next door neighbor’s father (95) and a friend’s mother (85) passed away peacefully last (Thanksgiving) week. Both wakes were crowded, but we were warmly received by our friends.

(Finally) made a pumpkin pie and an experimental fruit cocktail cake this morning.

We watched the final Season 4 episode of Vikings last night.

I did more yard work yesterday. Mowed the front and cut down some gone-bys in front of the fence and in the corner garden.

I blew it: after looking forward to seeing Alpha for a week, I remembered the pick-up time incorrectly.  I was able to redeem myself, at least to A, by making a special trip with coffee and a muffin.

I will ask A and R to give us reminder calls a half hour before pickup time.

img_0536“These are mine; you cannot have them.”