What’s the Problem?

In Lawrence, MA, a decorated Iraq war veteran fired a gun at a crowd of rowdies after someone threw a bottle into his apartment.
His neighbors think Daniel Cotnoir is a hero.
The local media, though, are tut-tutting about PTSD and helping post-war vets readjust to civilian life.
Me, I’m trying to understand (seriously) what the local media are talking about.

Continue reading What’s the Problem?

Major Sleaze

If you can stand it, here’s a picture of Bush-sympathizer Larry Northern, the “patriot” who destroyed the wooden crosses at Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, last night.
The crosses had been set up to honor the over 1,800 American military personnel who have died in Iraq.
Well, at least the Police department in Crawford is doing their jobs in a professional way. Within hours, Northern was arrested and charged with Criminal Mischief.