Day Off

Made a killer chicken stew and rice and beans tonight.

Drove Robert and later, James, to work.

Ron was at the bakery. He drove everyone home tonight!

Did some database updates for the school.

Swept leaves from the driveways, Edgewater and here.

Made more progress with old paperwork.

The Motive for Metaphor

You like it under the trees in autumn,
Because everything is half dead.
The wind moves like a cripple among the leaves
And repeats words without meaning.

In the same way, you were happy in spring,
With the half colors of quarter-things,
The slightly brighter sky, the melting clouds,
The single bird, the obscure moon—

The obscure moon lighting an obscure world
Of things that would never be quite expressed,
Where you yourself were never quite yourself
And did not want nor have to be,

Desiring the exhilarations of changes:
The motive for metaphor, shrinking from
The weight of primary noon,
The A B C of being,

The ruddy temper, the hammer
Of red and blue, the hard sound—
Steel against intimation—the sharp flash,
The vital, arrogant, fatal, dominant X.

Wallace Stevens, 1879 – 1955

Tea at the Palaz of Hoon

Not less because in purple I descended
The western day through what you called
The loneliest air, not less was I myself.

What was the ointment sprinkled on my beard?
What were the hymns that buzzed beside my ears?
What was the sea whose tide swept through me there?

Out of my mind the golden ointment rained,
And my ears made the blowing hymns they heard.
I was myself the compass of that sea:

I was the world in which I walked, and what I saw
Or heard or felt came not but from myself;
And there I found myself more truly and more strange.

Wallace Stevens, 1879 – 1955


Ron did three loads of laundry and finished powerwashing the front of the house.

I had a good day at the bakery.  Did a lot of scrubbing and cleaning in addition to washing cooking equipment.  Told Liz I’m interested in being a baker.  Standish visited for the day.

Birds, Leaves

A huge flock of starlings flew from our yard to Tony’s to the left side of Laura’s, then the right side, and over Laura’s house.  Quite a spectacle.

Did the lawn at Edgewater today, brought leaves back to one of the new plots.  Did the transfer station run as well.

Ron completed the new dryer vent!  It looks very professional and works great.

No Pretense; Post Tense?

Stop the Presses!  Hide the Women and Children!  I’ve gone back to work.  Marcia and I are splitting a full time job washing dishes at a local bakery.  The White Lion Bakery in Mashpee makes  Certified Gluten Free goods, some are on sale at the Market Hall in Oakland (Piedmont ?).  They make a wide range of confections from Magic Bars (dark chocolate/honey fruit high energy bars) to Pumpkin Cheesecake.  No bread or rolls at the moment, cookies, cupcakes, Pumpkin Cheesecake, pies, pizza dough mix, all sorts of cakes.   Sweetened with honey, no preservatives, certainly not low cal, but wholesome and very tasty with crackers made with cheddar cheese.  Throw in a quiche and a dieter could do some serious damage to him or her while remaining gluten free.  We get to lick the bowl and or beaters…who could ask for more?  The erstwhile manager, the son of a restauranteur is a dead head  and management loves us both.  Their business is going great so who knows?   I’m wearing t-shirts and shorts and Teva sandals at work, I have a 3 day work week and Marcia is working 2 days.  As the Holiday Season approaches we’ll be splitting a 7 day work schedule while the other of us is transporting grand children to and from work/our regular home & garden duties.
I’m not sure of the shop’s name within Market Hall but it should be easy to find.  The contact person in Oakland paid $ 43.00 for the package overnight postage so this stuff will be pricy.
Best to all and I’m lucky to be well enough for a physical job once again.

Compost, Mowing

Glad to have the clothes line today.  It was windy and in the high 50’s this morning, so I did a wash and hung it outside.  Nice.  The clothes have the fragrance of outdoors.

Brought the truck to Edgewater so Peter could borrow it for the day.  His surgical one-year appointment went extremely well.

Bonnie’s company had a Chamber of Commerce open house this morning.  They ordered baked goods from White Lion, which pleased me immensely.

Mowed the lawn and emptied the big compost bin on the two new garden plots.

Good day at work yesterday.

No Work on Veterans Day

The boss decided to shut down the business today so she wouldn’t have to pay time and a half.  That makes the second of my two regularly scheduled days that I wasn’t able to work this week.

Fortunately, MRS came through with some prep work for the 2016 season.

Yesterday, I was able to fabricate four round pipes for the new dryer vent.  It was ridiculously difficult.   Today, Ron decided he liked his “Plan B” better.  Points for trying.

Made a nice baked sole (Kyler’s) and salad for dinner last night.  Roasted a pile of almost-dead vegetables for myself today, didn’t bother to make supper.

It’s been raining since yesterday, so no watering or other yard work.  Fell asleep very early last night, up at 3:30 this morning.

We are in penny-pinching mode this month, big time.  Peter owes us over $2,000 between loans and rent, and property taxes were due on the first.  We can probably get by, but it won’t be pretty.

Watched “Grey’s Anatomy” for the first time last night, episode 1 from 2005.  244 to go on Netflix.  “Rome” tonight.

Drove Robert to work.  Ron drove the boys home.  I love our grandsons!

Dryer Vent, No Flour

I had the day off because a flour delivery failed to arrive, so no bakers, no washing.

Ron started cleaning the dryer vent and decided to just replace the whole thing.  It didn’t work out, task postponed.

I started washing windows.

Had a 40+ minute conversation with a superb attorney about SPEA.  Researched documents on the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds.  Took a little config to get the reader working; they’ve given up supporting Chrome, and I needed to locate IE, which for some weird reason doesn’t show up in the list of apps, and install additional software.

Drove James to work, got him there 1 minute late.  Picked up pizza for us and a calzone for him as an apology.