In a Nutshell

“In contrast to the empathy it shows for itself, the Jewish community as a whole, to the extent it submits to its representative elites, tends to behave towards the mass of Gentiles in a psychopathic rather than empathic manner. This is why a goy observer, Werner Sombart, despite his reputation as a Semitophile, highlights features of Jewish collective psychology that are similar to psychopathic tendencies including a temperament that is “coldly utilitarian” and “calculating,” alongside a propensity to mimicry, combined with a mechanical conception of human relations. (9) The founder of sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), very critical of his Jewish community, noticed among Jewish intellectuals a pragmatic and self-interested notion of truth, which can be compared with that of the psychopath: “The Jew . . . seeks to learn not in order to replace his collective prejudices by reflective thought, but merely to be better armed for the struggle. . . . [H]e superimposes this intellectual life upon his habitual routine with no effect of the former upon the latter”. (10) Many Jewish historians, for example, seem to value History less as a pursuit of truth than as a means of power.”

Israel, the psychopathic nation

Planting Jenny’s

We made it to Jenny’s Edibles today and planted radishes, squash and milkweed.

Transplanted some of the beans from downstairs as well.

Did the usual chores.  Easy transfer station run.  Rainy and cool most of the day until about 4 or so.

70 Years Young

We began Ron’s birthday Trifecta with an outstanding meal at Bobby Byrnes last evening and a “Ronald G. MacInnis I don’t wannit unless it’s free” cake from the Senior Center.   Many of Ron’s friends and family sent greetings via Facebook!100_6782


Town Meeting

Full disclosure: I’m a candidate for one of the positions for which a write-in campaign is being conducted.

I would welcome the kind of participation by the Tribe in Town governance that we had when I first moved to Mashpee 15 years ago.

I only wish that the members who are running for public office had used the means available to all to get their names on the ballot. Their write-in campaign shows a lack of respect to those of us who did the work of collecting signatures and to the Town Clerk’s office which administers the elections.

That being said, we saw the same disregard for process on the part of members of the Tribe at Town Meeting this week. It became clear to me that neither the Tribal leadership nor the Town elected officials had discussed these Articles together, let alone arrived at an agreement, either pro or con.

I respect Marie Stone and her contributions to both the Wampanoag and Mashpee communities, and I’m sympathetic to the history of First Nations in the United States. Further, I believe that the Town’s better than average record of successful land stewardship is due in large part to the influence of the Tribe.

Still, as much as we may disagree on occasion with our leadership, I believe we have an obligation to work with them on matters affecting all of us who live here. That’s especially true with emotional subjects like land ownership.

For that reason, I think that Town Meeting was wise to defeat Article 21 and to postpone Article 22. Let’s hope that by October, we have consensus on management of the 500 acres and by the way, the relevance of the IGA to similar matters in the future.

Comment in today’s


greengoddessmaypoleOn Sunday, we stopped by Green Goddess for Beltane, but were too late for the ceremony.  They’d decorated a splendid May pole.

We did laundry and transfer station as well, and finished in time for Ron to go to work.

We’ve had perfect rain for the past couple of days.  I planted 3 more lupines and the lavender, and the transplants haven’t needed to be watered.

Plumber came today to fix the front sillcock.

Had a phone interview this morning.

Sat with Laura and Joe for a bit, made some progress on setting up her website.  Then she shooed me away and got help from Ben.  Prejudice against women in tech runs deep!

Had a 15 minute conversation with the members of the town’s Affordable Housing Committee.  Asked them about the ridiculously low taxes levied on the three Habitat houses in our neighborhood (two on our street) and what benefit “affordable housing” provides.  Lost my cool when patronized.  The message was clear:  old people==bad; young people==good; White people==rich and evil; POC==good.

What crap.


Things went well. I didn’t have a bad reaction to the anesthesia, and didn’t need any pain medication, not even acetaminophin.100_6781

100_6778Energy auditors were here today and came up with a list of recommended improvements, most of which are heavily subsidized. They also left us with over $100 of energy-efficient devices, including a smart power strip and dimmable LED bulbs. The only other change they recommended was to replace the washing machine at some point for a more water-efficient model. They’ll pick a contractor to do the construction work; we should have a schedule in about three weeks.

What an excellent program!

Got a nice lunch, which I enjoyed outside, from meals on wheels.

Managed to put supper together with leftovers and steamed asparagus.

Watered all the transplants and cleaned the pruning tools.

Did some work for NEPS.

Sick of the Bots

Their hero is a petty, irritating little man who has spawned a crusade of petulant malcontents who confuse negativity with sophistication, slander with truth, mobbing with consensus, narrow-mindedness with virtue and ignorance with ideological purity.