Looks like fung

Best Summer Ever

Fung-Onil’d the little maple yesterday evening.

Cleaned up gone-by tulips and destroyed a wasp nest. Feel badly about that, but it was in a spot where people could get hurt.

It’s muggy and I had a rough night, moving slowly today. Uploaded new files to NEPS with filters for “callin”.

Chicken sausage, mustard greens from Pariah Dog Farm and asparagus from the garden for supper. Stopped by Woodruff’s for a photo exhibit opening, including work by our friend John Moore. Ron made it to the bank in time to deposit his check; good thing, otherwise my * would be grass for getting supper on the table so late (6:30).

Rain; It Thrives!

Busy day yesterday but NO ERRANDS today.

Rained last night and most of the day.  Good air tonight, and it looks like the Three Sisters seedlings survived.  Radishes have started!

The little rhodie that I transplanted to the “woods” from the corner garden has produced gorgeous purple flowers for the first time!









Lettuce, Neptune’s

Planted lettuce, plants and seeds, today. Visited Mahoney’s.

Neptune’s on the roses and other flowering plants. Nine gallons.

Spinosad on the little maple and the roses. Deep pruned the roses.

Fish, spuds and one asparagus from the garden for supper.

Supposed to get a storm on Monday but only 0.5 inch of rain.

Water, Weed, Soaker Hose

Put a fence around the newest garden yesterday and covered it with Agribon to catch the Gypsy Moth caterpillars. Set up a soaker hose today and gave it a good watering.

Have some problems with soaker hoses around the fence. Otherwise, everything else is working well. Watered the oval and most of the “U” as well as the new Three Sisters (corn/bean/squash) garden, the asparagus/herb garden, Emma’s garden and one of the little grass islands.

Proud of James, he spent all day yesterday helping with the Special Olympics at the High School.


Went with Ron to Hyannis. Bought planting soil, squash and tomatoes at Home Depot.

Planted 5 tomatoes and 1 squash, sowed radish seeds and transplanted basil and radishes.

Beans and maybe even corn are sprouting!

Last of the Birthday Trifecta

Ron and I had dinner at Wimpy’s tonight.  What a meal!  He even got a piece of chocolate cake to take home.

Ron had Wimpy’s Seafood Stew:
Shrimp, crab, scallops, swordfish, clams & calamari simmered and finished with cream

We shared a Hot Shellfish Sampler:
Two oysters Rockefeller, three clams casino & two scallops & bacon

All in all, the cost of Ron’s 70th birthday frolics came to around $150-160: pretty modest amount for a three score and ten milestone.

Monday? Feels Like Saturday

Laura and Joe’s anniversary today. Brought them some Asti, hope they like it.

Ron had PT, then an appointment with his Primary.

Had a conversation with the well digging company. They are not encouraging, but willing to take a look.

I picked up some sad-looking ‘Bluesylva’ Forget-Me-Nots (Myosotis sylvatica) at a substantial markdown from the discount nursery. Groomed and planted them.

We went to Not Your Average Joe’s for the second round of Ron’s birthday celebration. Third round coming up later this week.

Stopped at Heritage, but the rhodies aren’t in bloom yet, need at least another week.

On our way home, got a call from the Town Clerk’s office asking me to drop by to be sworn in. At the time of the call, we were, literally, across the street from Town Hall, at the intersection of 130 and Great Neck South! I was sworn in without ceremony or photographers, thank goodness, and got a Certificate of Appointment.certificateofappointment

While we were there, I also confirmed that Library Trustees are not considered Special Employees, which would have put a damper on my/our ability to fund-raise for the library.

Cormier’s did a recharge of my A/C, which now works great.

Ron is mowing the lawn in anticipation of rain tomorrow.