The Meanest Among Us

BernieCare and his other proposals might work if Americans were generous. My impression of many of his supporters is that they are too selfish, too immature and too mean-spirited to actually work or vote for any of BS’s ideas. I wonder how many of the BernieBots, for example, have run for office or do volunteer work in their communities. I’ve had dialogs with the Bernie followers and have been cursed and disrespected every which way. I think it would take a different type of human to make his program work. From the way some of his followers think, act and write, they are not that different from the meanest among us.

Free College? Big Deal

I am mystified by the allure of free tuition at state colleges.

Let’s not forget about fees and other costs, which would not be covered by the BS plan.

More importantly, without being assured of a job at graduation, what’s the point of marking time for four years?

How about opting for a really free high school diploma in the trades, at which point you’d be paid while you complete an apprenticeship, and be guaranteed work for the rest of your life – AND you wouldn’t have to live in a city, commute in traffic 2 or more hours a day or work as a corporate wage slave in some d*d office.

Plus, you have the possible benefit of union membership, the ability to live almost anywhere, being able to do-it-yourself and fellowship of (and discounts from) other skilled craftspersons.

It’s a Wrap

Cold today and supposed to get worse tonight.

I screwed up by letting the burlap freeze in the snow, so we thawed some big pieces in the tub, and Ron picked up more bags at the coffee shop after he jolly jaunted his way to the Donut RV.

I’ve wrapped the male skimmia, the rosemary, the front hydrangea, a couple of rhodies and the azalea in the front.  Some of the smaller plants I put in last Fall are covered with snow, which should insulate them.

I kind of knocked off yesterday.  Had a mammo and bone density scan.  Made a deposit at the bank and bought a book bag and some books at the library.  Sent an interim invoice to Jim.

Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem is no hero of mine. I have no respect for a woman who’s made a place for herself in the world by trading on her looks.

Although her patronization of all young women (while she was flirting with Bill Maher) was ridiculous in and of itself, I would imagine that the LGBT community found her dumb, heterosexist remark particularly offensive.

Nixon’s Treason

George Will reported that a new release of extended versions of Nixon’s papers confirms that the SOB extended the Vietnam war from 1968 to 1972.

“In the four years between the sabotage and what Kissinger termed “peace at hand” just prior to the 1972 election, more than 20,000 US troops died in Vietnam. More than 100,000 were wounded. More than a million Vietnamese were killed.

“But in 1973, Kissinger was given the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the same settlement he helped sabotage in 1968.”

LBJ wanted to “go public”, but the Democrat SOB Clark Clifford talked him out of it.

When I Cook

If I cook an animal, I try to make the meal better than good to honor the creature that gave its life so we can eat.

I think I did that today with a superb soup/stew made with a piece of pork I bought yesterday at Market Basket.

I also made some really good meatballs from ground turkey.

I rendered the fat in the pork to feed the birds.

Kitchen was very busy but I managed to squeeze in some programming and laundry as well as several anti-BS/pro-HRC posts, one of which has received 22 likes so far.