Cindy’s Brunch, Hollytone

Had brunch with Cindy and Cathy today to celebrate Cindy’s birthday.

Did a quick transfer station run with Ron to drop off leaves and branches for mulch. Ron is off to stagehand the last WHFMS concert of the season.

Used up the remainder of a 40-pound bag of Hollytone on the rhodies. No rain predicted for the next 36 hours or so, which means deep watering tomorrow.

Cleaned out a few more leaves in the veggie garden.

South Coast Saturday

We went to a legislative breakfast in Westport, then to Blithewold in Bristol. Picked up a good amount of flotsam from their beach. Really enjoyed the views and beautiful weather.

Headed north on 114 and admired several gorgeous stone municipal buildings on the way. Stopped at Sid Wainer, the produce store and Market Basket in New Bedford, checked in at our hotel in Fairhaven, enjoyed a splendid NB Symphony concert and pre-concert lecture at the Z.


Spent some time at Audible Local Ledger uploading show files, setting up a web page and adding missing headers.

Made appointments with Spencer and a central air vendor.

Made Jambalaya.


Met with the electrician at Edgewater. Boys decided they don’t want to mess with their closet. Sent deposit for P&B’s closet inserts.

Did a little more yard cleanup at both properties. Still pretty beat up from prior days.

Working on downloading files. Emailed about the procurement project.

The new HP touchscreen arrived today. Windows 8. Will be interesting.

Ordered a shredder for us. Emailed Spencer Hallett about removing the old whole-house water filter at Edgewater.

Out of Condition

Good grief. I feel like an old person.

Ron and I did some Spring clean-up today. I turned on the outside faucets, he, poor soul, hooked up the hoses.

Ron also power-swept the back yard. I planted the viola flat, raked leaves in front and back of the fence and in the corner garden and trimmed the small holly. Rather than burning, we loaded a pile of branches into the truck for the transfer station. We both got stuck with rose thorns. Ron is trying to fix the lawn mower.

The crocus look great this year, huge. Some made it to the woods.

I’m very pleased with the violas. They are big, healthy plants and we had enough to fill both window boxes, two big planters, the planter on the trellis and a small pot for the deck. Replaced the soil in the window boxes with Miracle Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix.

Had a confrontation with a South Boston type at the Senior Center this morning (“Go fry ice”, “Women should stifle”. Complained to the Town Manager, who promised to look into it. The chairman of the COA board called to apologize, even though it was hardly his obligation to do so!

Ran CHKDSK on the Aspire this morning. Carbonite is no longer hogging CPU. Ordered an HP Envy. Spending all kinds of money these days: eye surgery; new vanity; carpeting, closet and electrical work for Peter and Bonnie. It will have to stop soon.

6 PM Already?

Did the transfer station run and changed the sheets yesterday.

Went to Plymouth for my pre-cataract surgery examination and instruction today.

Got a bunch of dates. Need to be cleared by vonHaam. It was very fortunate that I’ve rescheduled the appointment we were supposed to have in March; otherwise, an extra 20 or 30 bucks out of my pockets.

I paid for the laser surgery to correct my astigmatism.

Still haven’t planted the violas, but they seem to be perfectly happy in their trays. My arms and legs are still a little achy from last Friday.

The skin around my right eye flared up again last week, but seems to be behaving itself with ointment, and I don’t need to put a lot on, either.

Dropped off paint and closet photos at Edgewater. Ron talked to the electrician, who is scoping out the work in Peter’s office and the bathrooms this Thursday morning. Ron deposited our federal tax return.

Highfield – Opening Day

Gorgeous afternoon at Highfield enjoying elegant treats and a very entertaining Gershwin recital by Director of Music Robert Wyatt. We admired the “Fragment House” which was being tended to by artist Danielle Krcmar, then cleaned up some branches that had fallen in the West Garden.

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Day of Rest?

Went to the Master Gardener’s Horticultural conference yesterday at the Hyannis Golf Club. Excellent presentations, took lots of notes, came away with a number of ideas.

Ordered 3 yards of mulch and bought a bag of potting soil at Scenic Roots on the way back.

We heard Roosevelt Dime, the latest in the Wepecket series last night. Had dinner in the downstairs lounge, enjoyed the music afterwards. Another good crowd.

Ron treated us to a fabulous scallop casserole from Cooke’s on Friday night and dinner at the club last night. I’m grateful to have two nights off from cooking.

Moved some furniture around in the living room and have been working on cleaning up the floor this morning.



Even thought we weren’t ready by a long shot, the flooring got done at Edgewater today. Peter and I were able to clear away the electronics and “stuff” in time for the two crews to finish work, a full day from 8:30 to about 4.

Peter’s office looks fantastic with the silver carpeting. The living room and family room are looking good, too.

Emme got home around 2 and was upset that we’d piled so much family room “stuff” in her room. I brought her over here and we had peppermint tea and a fantastic game of Scrabble – she used up all her tiles, and I ended up with only one!

Emme entertained us with a series of egg puns. Ron said he’s proud of her!