What to Make of the Secret Emails

Does anyone know exactly what was in the Clinton “classified” emails? Maybe something akin to the mind-numbingly pedestrian observations exposed by Wikileaks. Hey, here’s one, authored by the Secretary herself: “What’s the status?” Oh my gosh, the Republic will crumble now for sure.

Traffic Hell

This morning, I snatched baked goods from the jaws of The Horde at the Senior Center, drove Robert to work, returned Ron’s iPhone case and bought a second transfer station sticker for the van.

After lunch, I headed for Hyannis to meet with a candidate for public office.  He warned me about off-Cape/west-bound traffic and boy, was he right.  Every route, major and minor, was clogged.

Got back to Mashpee after about an hour and ten minutes.  Ron drove Robert home, and I picked up our CSA produce at the farm.  Ron said the traffic was bad even around 6:30 this evening.  Absolutely disgusting; I hate the tourist industry.

It’s Over (Thank Goodness)

We had rain this morning, and I hope it helps the dormant spots in the lawn, which is slowly getting replaced with trees and flowers.

Fourth of July weekend is over and (I hope) so are fireworks from inconsiderate neighbors.

The tall beebalm and potentilla are blooming, and we have a couple of flowers on the hydrangeas.

Check engine light is off!  Spoke with Marlene at HyToy.  She was reassuring and gave me a thorough answer and advice on what to do if it happens again.  That’s two great tech support calls in two days!

July 4 (What a Day!)

I fell asleep for about an hour earlier this afternoon. It was like a dream, a little warm, slight breeze, green and blue.

Mowed the lawn; Ron helped a little.  He’s watering trees now.  I set up the new soaker that arrived yesterday from Amazon.  Ordered two more 25-footers when the damnable flat hose exploded in the newest vegetable garden.

Dressed the five asparagus plants that have popped up with Ron’s compost.  One of the milkweed has flower buds!

Dave slept on the couch and left around 11-ish.  He took a lot of nice photos to show the Berkeley crowd.  He was very complimentary about the house and the yard.  What a guest: brought his own towel and pillow and gave us a bag of fabulous Saratoga chips!

Got Ron’s loaner phone activated with the help of a great tech support person at Credo.  Very easy process: she knew her stuff and gave excellent directions.

Leftovers for supper and some quiet time to read and listen to music while sitting on the deck.

July 3 and a Guest

Made breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Never finished the paper.

Did the transfer station run, but had to borrow Laura’s van, since the truck “Check Engine” light went on.  We picked up lunch for James at Stop & Shop; he wasn’t up to the annual July 4th party.

We got the apple tree planted and fixed the fence (mostly me for the first, although Ron dug out about half a barrel of clay; mostly Ron for the second).

Ron did the lion’s share of laundry.  I did hang up one load.

Ron’s friend Dave arrived just as we’d finished putting away the tools and winding up the hose.

We had a nice dinner here – teriyaki grilled chicken and a carrot coleslaw – then Dave drove us to Old Silver Beach, just in time for a spectacular sunset and FIREWORKS, from the beaches and a splendid display at Onset (?).

Fabulous weather, too.

July Fourth Weekend

Ron got his loaner phone from iCape this afternoon – nice perk for getting his iPhone repaired through them (he shattered the glass).

I made grilled scup/porgy for supper.  Greek-style recipe, very delicious.  Sweet potatoes and salad.  Then for dessert, Ron brought home a red (strawberries), white and blue (blueberries) custard and whipped cream pie from the bakery, a gift for the workers.

I worked outside for most of the day, finished the Fluffles/Lucy memorial garden.  Ben came over and dug out a bunch of ridiculously hard clay soil.  Thank goodness!

I also dug out all but 2 inches of the hole for the crabapple tree.  Ron said he’d do that tomorrow.

Visit from a Distinguished Personage

A candidate for state rep and his campaign manager dropped by today.

I appreciate the effort he’s putting into his campaign: going house to house is brutal, but his 1960’s ideas just don’t resonate.

Ron laughed when I told him about this:  “He was expecting a nice little 70 year old lady – poor bastard!”

Went to the Mashpee Food Pantry yesterday for the second time ever and the first time in many years.  Was overwhelmed by the kindness of the volunteers and the generosity of the donors!  Came back with a shopping cart full of good food, including fresh fruit and vegetables, chicken and fish.

Laura and I went to a session on vegetable gardening pests today at Meetinghouse Farm.

Did laundry, dried everything outside.

Chicken stir fry with bok choy from the Farm, baked kale from the Farm, salad with greens from the Farm and sweets from the Pantry for dinner tonight.

Ron worked very late, didn’t get home until 7.


We shared a full day of Ron’s cousins’ vacation in a West Tisbury rental: 5 bedrooms, with pool.

One of the vacationers is a professional chef, and I enjoyed watching how this pro handles a grill.

One of the other vacationers is a charming, lively 82 year old lady who exudes love and kindness.  She knocked both of us off our feet!

Conor and I won a game of cornhole, coming back from behind.  Conor is an outstanding person, and his cousins are the same.  Kind, intelligent, thoughtful kids.