
Finally, I can count the days until the split comes off on one hand: 5 days and 5 nights.

I’ve been keeping up with exercises, moving carefully and eating healthily.

Smokey stopped by this morning, briefly.  I think he was looking for Ron, who was downstairs doing laundry.

Gave Stoneman Center a glowing review yesterday.

Got help from Mac with routing the MVC app.

Feeling better today.  Did a little off-roading (mailbox and gardens) with the scooter.

Come Saturday Morning

Theme from “The Sterile Cuckoo”, about young love that didn’t work out, describes an idyllic Saturday in elegiac terms.

The message we’re supposed to get is that some things are too good to last.  Typical of 1960’s cynicism.

Not true for us.

Day 16

Ron helped me in the shower.  I was a grubby mess and hurt all over this morning.

Had yet another call from yet another person who punted yet again on my question about left heel pain.

We had boiled dinner tonight.  Put the meat (O’Donnell’s Flat Cut Corned Beef Brisket) and potatoes in the slow cooker around 10-ish.

It’s cool and overcast, very pleasant.  Smokey dropped by.  Ron bought more treats for him last night.


Fed Up

I’ve had at least a dozen phone calls over the last couple of weeks from third parties who are “following up” on my surgery.

They are experts at kicking the can and very little else.

They also talk and talk and talk, not allowing me to answer their questions or ask any of my own.

Today, I asked the woman on the other end of the line if she was channeling Donald Trump.  She seemed surprised and apologized in a somewhat sarcastic tone.  I answered “I’m sure you are”, matching her sarcasm tone for tone.

I’m tired of people insisting on making appointments for which Lord knows, we might have to pay.  Every “you won’t be charged for this” is accompanied by a written document that says, in fact, we will be charged if for some reason insurance doesn’t cover the service.

I realized pretty early on that the people who did the best job taking care of me were the CNAs, housekeepers and dietary aides.  Unlike the college degree holders, these fine people have no financial axe to grind or power trip to nurture.

This morning, I was hurting all over, including this stupid left heel.  Left a message for Boyle’s Medical Assistant.

Ron helped me shower and shampoo.  He’s been a champ throughout.  I am very lucky.

Day 15

The OT dropped by yesterday, day 15, to give me some arm exercises.  They have a waiting list of 200 people, so I was discharged.  Good.

Long conversation with someone representing Mugar 6 about my experience in hospital.  All in all, I was disappointed with Cape Cod Hospital, except for the magnificent CNAs.

Ron had a very full day: Senior Center (more bagels), Robert pick up and drop off, CSA and then picked up Alpha from work at 10.  Plus his usual dinner cleanup.   Fortunately or not, he didn’t have to work, since they were down a baker.

Slow-cooked chicken wings and noodles for supper.


Start of Week 3: Rain

Wrapped up week 2 with a visit by the PT.

Ron put in a full day: mowed front and back, Senior Center, drove Robert to and from work.  Grilled steaks for dinner.

Smokey dropped by a couple of times.  Napped in Ron’s chair.

I made a really good ratatouille with onions, our garlic, beans and tomatoes, zuke and eggplant from the farm.

Nice dinner outside, might be the last for a while: it’s raining now, hoping for a wet week.

Day 13

Really cooled off last night, so had the best sleep in a very long time.  Only skipped to the loo once.

Made a cumin and coriander frittata for brunch.  Fruit salad.  Ron had the idea to combine Prosecco with apple juice: quite tasty, very refreshing.

We changed the sheets.  Ron did laundry and the transfer station run.  Showered.

Smokey came by a couple of times.  We had a hard time persuading him to go home when it started to get dark.  He does love to visit!

Hurting at bedtime.

Day 12: Tweaks

Ron lowered the scooter seat today, so I can now hold my back a little straighter when I amble.

Much cooler temp today, have the windows open.

The foam pillow, too awkward for the bed, helps to keep my leg slightly elevated when I sit at my “desk”.

Nice email from Smokey’s owner.  She has her hands full!

Made fruit salad, cleaned up dishes and swept the kitchen.

Got several consecutive hours of sleep last night in between skips to the loo.

Was able to get up and down the deck stairs; harvested beans and cukes!

Piled on the vegetables at lunch, so Ron made steak and potatoes for supper.

Halfway to Weight-Bearing

This is day 11.

Had a sit-down shower this morning.  Felt great.

My back was hurting yesterday and my left heel, this morning.

Believe I’ve paid all the September bills.

Devoured my Meal on Wheels as soon as it arrived.

Made a very amateurish button/buttonhole on the shorts that I haven’t been able to wear because the closure kept ripping out.

Smokey was here three times today.

Made a pseudo-chili for supper with fresh tomatoes.

Lined up two PT sessions for next week.  Discovered that Medicare/insurance will pay 100% for sessions while I’m unable to leave the house.  Fantastic.

Finished up the list to “to do” for preowned.

Started watching “Trumbo” with Ron.