
Worth mulling over, inspired by a flyer from Rowe Conference Center:

Trump’s comments about women subvert men’s instinctive role as caregiver and protector.

Rich men don’t negotiate, discuss or compromise. They dictate and ordain.


Good checkup yesterday morning.  Got the okay for 50% weight-bearing.

Drove Alpha to work and picked up the CSA on Tuesday.  Did the Pantry run yesterday.

Phone woke me up this morning at 2:30 am.  It was running out of juice, even though I charged it earlier in the day.  Time for a new one?

Did some reformatting for Preowned and was assigned more work.

Watched Ron and Robert drink ouzo and Metaxa Amphora 7.  Robert was fine, Ron was not.  I drove everyone home.


Early to Bed…


Ron put up the new curtain transom yesterday.  The instructions are ridiculously confusing.

After checking out the Sandwich porchfest, I drove Alpha to the bank.  Picked up some pastry at the new-ish bakery in Mashpee Commons.  Their pecan tarts more than justify a return visit.
One of the Edgewater neighbors has pottery for sale.  Lovely stuff, I bought a bowl.

Earlier, I brought the truck out back and we unloaded the salt marsh hay.  The back yard now has the scent of heaven on earth.  Ron crowed about my backing into the clothes line.  F-off.

Ron did the transfer station run, including a pile of blow-downs, and Falmouth errands.

I made salad and bison burgers for supper.  Fell asleep around 7:30.


It’s Sunday and it’s been raining for hours.  Lucky: I’d forgotten to water the mums on the front steps.

Watching the trees whip around outside, am feeling very lucky to be in a warm, dry house.


Ron grabbed the Times for us, has laundry going and brought Robert to work.

Made of 185 parts, your feet and ankles are extremely complex. There are 26 bones, 33 joints, and 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles in your feet, to be exact. The ankle provides the foundation for the foot and acts as a shock absorber, as well as a mechanism for propulsion. Each year about two million Americans visit the doctor for ankle pain from arthritis or fracture. An estimated 50,000 people a year experience end-stage ankle arthritis, in which the ankle cartilage has worn away completely, causing painful bone-on-bone rubbing and some level of disability.”

img_0407Smokey has been here sleeping in my living room chair since about 1:30 this afternoon. I had a nap myself before he arrived. He decided to check out the bed before he took off.

Day 26 – Full

Ron took Robert to work and put in a day at the bakery.

Met Cindy and Cathy for brunch.  We finished early, so I took a drive through Sandwich village and made a brief stop at Sandy Neck and Scenic Roots.

Drove Alpha to work and continued on to Hart Farm in Dennisport for salt marsh hay.

Picked up a church pie and soup mix at Andy’s.  Cleaned up the kitchen, made the bed, vacuumed and put Rug Gripper tape on the two scatter rugs.  Made a salad and put the pie in the oven for supper.

Very tired, arms were sore.  Ron is off to pick up Alpha.

Day 25 – Weight-Bearing!

Ron picked up supplies from CVS before he went to work, so I was able to put on a clean dressing.  Foot looks a little swollen and skin is peeling like crazy, but the wound looks the same as yesterday.

Got the okay to start weight-bearing!

Drove Alpha to work.  Deposited checks.


Day 24

Still managing without Acetaminophen, since Monday.

No ill effects from yesterday’s activity.

The double-sided tape we (mostly Ron) put on the rugs is working well, so I ordered more for the smaller rugs in front of the doors. Also ordered a traverse rod for the living room curtains because struggling to open and close them has become an annoyance.

A health care professional called this morning, and I asked her to please give me a read on the incision.

This looked a butcher shop mess to me, but to her, it’s healthy.

Underneath this loveliness is a Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement (STAR) prosthesis. It’s a 3-piece system made of cobalt chromium alloy, titanium, and polyethylene (Mobile Bearing) that doesn’t require bone cement.







Took out a 6-month online subscription to the Cape Cod Times.

Happy to see Smokey today.

Spent the afternoon at Ellen’s seminar.  She wheeled me into the building and  generously treated to beer etc. afterwards.  Her optimism is invigorating!

The Dell that Robert gave me came in handy.  It has an old-style port that is required to use the big TV at the Senior Center.

Kill Ron

This morning, Ron started whining again about problems logging in to his Yahoo email account.

He spent an entire morning earlier this week trying to fix this.

It took me less than 10 minutes. I set up a new password for him and cleared his Safari cache. That was it.

I was furious that he continues to dick around with this stuff when I can usually solve his problems very quickly.

It would be about as idiotic as my using power tools when he’s available and has much more skill than I do.

Maybe some day I’ll get that message across.