At Least We Got 4

Recreational marijuana will be legal in Massachusetts as of December 15. Legalization also passed in California and Nevada.

Colorado passed a Death with Dignity referendum.

Whether or not Trump follows through on his campaign promises remains to be seen.


Had a good session yesterday at the Wound Center. DVH temporarily doubled the dose of HCTZ.

Honestly, I’m relieved that my world view has been reinforced by this election. If Hillary Clinton had won, then I’d have nothing to blame but my own shortcomings for my failures.

Now, it’s been proven that misogyny, selfishness and irrationality beat open-mindedness, generosity and logic every time. It’s been proven that greed and lying will prevail, and that the formula for success in America – work hard, think big, have a dream – is a fantasy.

I would have been very surprised if the opposite had held true. Hillary Clinton’s personal story, like Barack Obama’s, is so improbable that if she had succeeded, it would have given false hope to the rest of us.

Wound Hurts

We got through Sunday chores okay: laundry, transfer station, changed sheets.

Kitty slept here for a few hours.

It was raining when we were at the transfer station, so I mentioned a reward. Ron treated us to muffins at Panera.

Grilled burgers and salad for supper.


Last time we were in IKEA was March 2015, when we bought the components of a wall unit for the second bedroom.

We went back yesterday for what was touted as a special event.  Unfortunately, the timing didn’t work out for us, although we did get free coffee and candy samples.

We brought home paper napkins, cereal, cardamom crisp rolls, jams, a jar of herring, candy, glögg, a non-BPA food storage set, measuring cups, white wine glasses, a lampshade, a kitchen utility container and of course, cinnamon rolls.

Ron bought a pair of sneakers at the New Balance factory outlet.

We got back in time for Ron to give Robert a lift home from work.

Ron put up the second shower grip bar; I caulked it.  Also trimmed the bottom of the vertical blinds in the kitchen.  Smokey came by around 5:30 and we had to send him home, which I hated to do.

Soup and salad for supper.

Turned the clocks back this morning.

Rotten Leg

I’ve been hauling around this rotten leg for about a month.

It is still not very wonderful.

I started a new ointment, Mupirocin, and a new antibiotic, clindamycin.

Dr. Knox took the time to call me this morning to explain the course of treatment.  I booked a new appointment with him for next Tuesday, early.  Had to do a little arm-twisting to get on Margaret’s schedule.

I woke up at 8; “kitty” was outside.  Saw him again around 2:30 as I was pulling in to the driveway from running errands.  Caught up with Laura.

Ron called, needed some big trash bags for the bakery.  Dropped off a box of 55 gallon bags; paid too much but I was not up for driving to Job Lot.

Got my new med and more tape at Walgreen’s.  Picked up a couple of groceries at S&S; saw John and Candy.  Heard from Pete the farmer; I can drop by tomorrow for cranberries, so I made a quick run to the transfer station to empty the back of the truck.

Took a ride with Ron to the bank and then to S&S for a Redbox film.  Had forgotten the card eaerlier.

Roasted squash, broccoli and kale.  Squash soup for supper.  Didn’t have the energy to do a salad.

Yardwork, Continued

Last night, Ron treated us to pizza and salad.  I could get used to being spoiled in this way.

Yesterday, I put the last 3 bags of (wet) gravel around the lean-to shed and cleaned out the small corner garden by the driveway steps.

Slept a long time last night.  Felt great when I got up this morning.

Today I made a good start on cleaning the garden in front of the fence, got maybe 80% of it done.

Smokey was here keeping me company for a bit.  He slept for 3 hours.

Turkey chili and cheesecake from the bakery for supper.


grumpy_1_and_2We (mostly Ron) took out the window air conditioners.

He also filled up the back of the van with returnables, stowed the crutches and walkers in the attic and installed one of the grab bars.

This was after an 8 am dental appointment.

That was good.

He also bought a pair of hideous beer stein vases.  Bad.

I cleaned up the side of the fence garden that faces the house.

Made killer butternut squash soup.

Very few trick or treaters this year; we gave away only 33 pieces of candy.

Yard Work

Started fall cleanup this weekend.  Worked on the corner garden yesterday and started weeding the herb garden today.

We did the Sunday trifecta: laundry, sheets, transfer station.  Stopped at Polar Cave on the way.

Ron put up the shelf (purchased March 21) at the bakery.

Found a good spot on the Falmouth end of 151 for the Ron Beaty sign.  Ron helped stake it, and it looks great.

Burgers, salad and turnip for supper.

P&B’s 23rd anniversary today!