Spring Cleaning

I worked for a couple of days on pulling grass out of one of the vegetable gardens.

Joe was vacuuming leaves in his yard today, and he was nice enough to clean up around our fences. Wasn’t planned and he saved me a tremendous amount of work, not to mention pain.

Ron was on the disabled list today. His back was bothering him a lot. He fell backwards the other day while removing bailing wire from the garden fence.

Rhubarb is coming up. Onions and garlic have been leafing for a while.

Jewelry Shopping; Yard Work

While Alpha was interviewing for a job in Hyannis, I did a little moderate exercise at the gym.

Opting for scenic Route 6A back to Mashpee, we saw a sign at Sturgis Library for a jewelry sale. The librarians were nice enough to let us shop until closing, and we bought earrings for me and a bracelet and pendant for Alpha for $1, $2 or $3 each.

Today, Ron and I took down the 1/4 inch fencing around one of the older gardens, in preparation for some heavy weeding (grass). We had stupidly anchored the outer fencing with baling wire. I started pulling up grass and hope to finish tomorrow.

Good: I found a photo of Ron that I’d misplaced.

We Have Something to Offer (and It’s Better than Anything of Yours)

If I am ever stupid enough to join another Falmouth-based social or political group, I’ve given my family permission to shoot me and call it a mercy-killing.

The Falmouth Weltanschauung is the result of two deplorables: wealth and the influence of the military and the federal government on local institutions (WHOI, MBL, Fisheries, etc.).  As a consequence, the brand of progressivism here is, oddly, bureaucratic, intolerant and conformist.

Alpha and I attended a meeting of 500 Women in Science last night; we attended, that is, until I was asked to leave for being “disruptive”.

Alpha was fantastic: supportive and consoling.  So as not to waste the trip, we went to the Dollar Store on the way home.

Adoption Triggers

I think I was triggered by a Netflix episode and a Globe story about adoptees.

Had a shouting match at PT about being a less-than-valued person after I was blown off by the techs, who chose in two consecutive sessions to attend to little women with dark hair.

I had a dream last night about the downside of being a non-blood relative on the Cohen side.

It is unsettling that these things are coming to the surface so late in life.