New Garden: Update

Many hours of hard labor ago, Ron and I dug out 13 places and (all Ron) prepped soil for the new garden.

One more big hydrangea to go.

The humidity has done a job on the geraniums, but most everything else seems to be okay.

Picked up our share at Pariah Dog Farm this past Tuesday after work.  Ron has done all but one trip for Robert this week.

Corn has tassels.  Tomatoes are ripening.

New Garden: Under Construction

Soares has been selling hydrangeas for 10-20% off during Hydrangea Fest, which ended today.

I bought five hydrangeas – Little Quick Fire and Bobo – and three Brunnera for desolation corner at the top of the driveway.  Laura came over today to help me arrange the hydrangeas and the Brunnera, as well as three astilbe and two sweet woodruff from Attaquin Acres at $10 each, a very good end-of-season deal.

I caught up with Rebecca at the Farmers Market and bought a nice little pineapple mint, which will be a fine addition to the herb garden.  Visited Jen and her friend Victor as well.  Baby Jack was asleep.

Got to see Rebecca and Watson, as well as their sweet dog today.

Yesterday, I bought mulch at Scenic Roots and drapery pleating tape at Joanne’s in Hyannis.  Visited Green Briar to see their wild plant garden and picked up four jams.  Their garden gave me serious Crocosmia envy.

We did the usual:  laundry, changed sheets, transfer station run.

Ron’s Mac Is Fixed

I made an appointment for Ron at the Hingham Apple store Genius bar. The Genius removed 57 GB of emails from his poor laptop!

Fortunately, traffic was light for most of the trip, and he got home before a thunderstorm.  We had one massive clap of thunder, but didn’t lose power.

Got the name of an A/C specialist in Hyannis to help him with his van.

Paid off PayPal.

Made Dessert: Twice. And It’s Only Wednesday

Made peach upside down cake yesterday and an apple pie today. Neither was my best, but better than the horrible cookies that poor Ron got stuck with.

Ron is done with transporting grandkids to work for the week.

Laura and I visited the Chapmans’ gardens this afternoon at a special open house for Highfield volunteers.

Got my check, finally; it was mailed on the seventh, not the fourth.

Ron brought back a huge basket of produce yesterday from the farm.

Strange stuff with Visual Studio this afternoon. After an update, all the pages were blank. OK after a restart.

More Tree Trimming

Ron did more Russian olive hacking. He brought a load to the transfer station today and was only mildly rebuked.

He also trimmed the front bushes.

I made a really good stir-fry for supper with our zucchini and pesto, tomatoes, ricotta, mozzarella, garlic and Italian seasonings.

Made progress on my code and test code today. Lots of help.

Got my paycheck!

St. Johnswort; Blue Danube

St. Johnswort, Stokesia (Blue Danube) and one of the new daylilies (white) are blooming.

We woke up late(8:30) and groggy this morning.

Picked another free zuke and some yellow cherry tomatoes for Alpha.

Alpha and I did the transfer station run, post office and BofA ATM, ice cream at Smitty’s, a tour of a Hydrangea Festival garden, refreshments and a garden tour at Dixon, quick run to Mahoney’s (they pushed me in a wheelchair) to get the name of the Stokesia, then back to Edgewater.

Made stir fry for supper: kale, shelled snap peas, lettuce, swiss chard, peppers, scapes.

5 1/4 Inches of Rain; Cleaned Oven

We had more rain yesterday that all last summer combined.  Flooding in Falmouth on Main Street yesterday and post-flood debris in parts of Mashpee today.

I did some pruning of Summersweet and inkberry bushes, and weeding this morning.  We managed to get Peter’s grill off the porch and onto the truck.  Quick run to the transfer station.

Tree: gone; wood: gone; grill: gone; fence: fixed.  We are doing okay by Edgewater.

Finished up Laura’s scrumptious quinoa/strawberry/rhubarb pudding.

Still no checks today.  Disgusting.

Here’s the mighty zuke from the corn garden: free food from last year’s compost.

We cleaned the oven. It’s been years.