NH Debate

Screamed and pounded the bureau as I watched the Democrat debate last night on MSNBC.com Glad that Hillary called out BS on his cheap shots about her alleged Wall Street connections.

“Clinton’s campaign manager, Robbie Mook, denied suggestions his candidate may have come across as too aggressive by accusing Sanders of “artful smears”.

“Senator Sanders has repeatedly made veiled accusations against her. All she was asking him to do was lay it out,” he said.”


Unpleasant exchange with a friend on Facebook. I hadn’t realized that being “beautiful” equates in her mind to good health. She suffered a lot mentally while she was receiving chemo.

Ron continues to talk about “we” in reference to his prior. I have nothing of value to him; for all his complaints, I think those years were happy for him. Not like now when we struggle financially and physically.

It’s been raining all night, might start snowing in a little while.