Up and At ‘Em

We spent New Year’s day quietly.  I did some more work on a responsive MRS site and attempted a home improvement project which will be more difficult than I thought.

I wanted to insulate the old hatch to the attic but didn’t realize that there was plywood partly nailed over it.  Actually, two pieces of plywood.  So it’s a project.

It’s probably a stupid idea to start with, which only occurred to me after we bought the materials, since we don’t have need of the hatch and could just close it off.  Duh.

I hate working with insulation.

This morning, my truck made a horrible grinding sound when I tried to start it.  I called AAA and turns out, the person who came out to help is a long-term friend of our neighbor Scott.  Unlike Ron, who offered his usual asshole comments (“I’ve only had a donut since I got up.”) while engrossed in a cartoon on Facebook, the AAA guy had good advice, which I will follow.

I borrowed Ron’s van and got the fasting blood work out of the way this morning.  Mashpee C-Lab was almost empty, a miracle on a Saturday.  Brought James to work and did a light shop at S&S.