Drained the Outdoor Shower

Sad day.

Put cow manure on the small roses, the butterfly bush and the peony.

A little more cleanup in the front corner and herb gardens.  Raked the front.  Swept the deck.

Transfer station.  Laundry and sheets.

Ron got a good start power washing the front of the house.  He replaced an O-ring and got good results.

Watched the finale of the Downton Abbey last season.  Very disappointing:  Edith’s heart is broken once again by a cowardly wimp; Cora is invisible as a mother, leaving it to Grandmama to give Mary a lesson in life and love.  Carson completes his transformation from lovable curmudgeon to mean-spirited, petulant, homophobic crank.

To be fair, there were at least three high points:  Branson’s ripping into Lady Mary; Edith’s doing the same; and Lady Mary’s brief yet merciless chastisement of Papa for his threats to fire poor Thomas.  Well deserved, every one.   Not to mention Mrs. Crowley’s barbed conversation with Lord Merton’s future daughter-in-law.