Letter to Hillary

Dear Senator Clinton:
Living in a Cape Cod town that has a long history of racial diversity, I evaluate people based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
Thus, I’ve been taken aback by the power of guilt in propelling Barack Obama to national prominence. As many have said, if someone with the same credentials as Obama, but named Mary or O’Shea, had attempted a run for the Presidency, they would have been ridiculed at best.
Maybe everyone should have the opportunity to fine-tune their judgment skills by living in a town like Mashpee, MA.
Meanwhile, I was proud to note that your support on Cape Cod came from the middle class towns, like mine. I’ve had enough political domination by the wealthy, including the Kennedys and the Kerrys, not to mention the Oprahs, thank you very much.
It is said that Obama’s support comes from the intellectual as well as the social elite. I’m a college graduate and a software developer and as such, have been trained to be objective, disciplined and analytical.
After listening to the debates and reading the background material on the websites, I’ve made two contributions to your campaign, based on your intellect and knowledge of course, but mostly on the content of your character and your past performance as a public figure.
I may not agree with all of your positions on the issues, but I trust you not to fold when times get tough, as they do for every President. I don’t have the same confidence either in McCain or in Obama: one is fragile and the other seems shallow and manipulative.
I’ve heard it said that having a brown President would enhance the stature of the United States in the world. I think that’s nonsense: does anyone really believe that the UN has been more effective and enjoyed greater prestige under Kofi Annan than Dag Hammarskj