No Contest

Not much of a Super Tuesday for the children’s crusade.
Of the 13 states that Obama won yesterday, 8 out of 13 are solidly Republican and likely won’t be in play for the Democrats anyway this November: Alaska, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, Kansas, Alabama and Georgia.
On the other hand, Hillary Clinton thumped Obama pretty good in Massachusetts (56 to 41%), which tells you something about our skepticism if not outright cynicism about the judgment of our mainstream mass media, governor and senators.
Meanwhile, reeling from the Clinton victory, the media seem desperate to spin her success into something negative. That Clinton won California and New York, not to mention the biggest surprise of all, Massachusetts, is ignored by their trumpeting that she took “only” 8 states as opposed to Obama’s 13 – but 8 of the states in Obama’s column won’t go Democrat anyway in the generals.
Yesterday, Clinton won 584 delegates to Obama’s 563. The jury is still out on the remaining 534. The split would have broken more decisively for Clinton if the Democrats had a “winner take all” rule, since she carried most of the states with the largest populations.
Clinton has 845 delegates; 2,025 are needed for the nomination.