Went to the Senior Center.
Ron had GMC tow his van to their shop. They gave him a sharp little Hyndai rental.
Since I seem to have found the problem with my eyelids, I passed on the scratch test and rebooked an appointment for a penicillin test. Didn’t realize they aren’t done together.
Stopped in to see Cathy. Got her key to check her mail, which Ron and I did late afternoon after today’s delivery.
Texted and emailed Cindy.
Did some cleaning up/straightening up next to the shed.
Grilled chicken and a fine salad made by Ron for the evening meal “miracle”.
Saw the Wampanoag Lady Hawk Singers at WBNERR. They are among the few all-woman First Nation singing group in the country. We are lucky to have them here!
Paid bills, did some watering.