Cement Day!

Ron and I dug the hole for the clothes dryer in a spot that has no rocks and no roots.

I borrowed Joe’s trough and hoe, and Ron mixed and poured the cement, complaining throughout that it would have been easier with an OdJob.

We only needed one bag of Quikrete, which annoys me, but oh, well.  The cement needs to set for a minimum of five days, which will be after this week’s normal laundry days.

I’m reasonably pleased with the location.  It gets plenty of sun and it’s off to the side.  I’m looking forward to having fresh-smelling laundry again.

Laura invited us for a swim: very kind and very welcome.

I did more watering today: the left side of the U, the oval, the middle portions of the U, a short water for the vegetable garden.  Tried transplanting some seedlings.  Laura’s doing great with her gardens!