
It rained earlier this morning, not a deluge by any means, but some is better than none, which has been the case for what seems like weeks.

We did yard work at Edgewater yesterday. Ron started the clean-up of the area between our house and Joe’s, and I cleared a path to the front spigot. Also pruned the bushes on the right side of the steps.

Ron marinated a steak for dinner which was out of this world. Laura joined us for wine and food.

I put in the veggies today, used both gardens. Carrots were very hard to plant, tiny seedlings. I hope I didn’t kill the cuke, it was devilishly hard to extract it. Planted the tomatoes with their cages. Set up the last two soaker hoses.

Gypsy moths are out.

Bison burgers for lunch. Must admit I am not as fond of these as Ron seems to be.