Jenny’s Edibles

Caught up with Jenny’s Edibles today at Miskovsky Landscaping.

Her array of vegetables – started in her kitchen – is phenomenal. We bought Vermicelli and Cupcake squash; Parisienne carrots; Black Cherry, Indigo Blue Berries and Cherokee Purple tomatoes; Boothy’s Blonde cuke; Afina cutting celery; and Watermelon radish seedlings. Enough to start the new garden.

Dropped off over $5 worth of bottles and cans at Kappy’s and came home with a basket of white wine (tasting today), beer and ale.

Stopped at Job Lot on the way home for orange seltzer, tissues, basil, oatmeal, freezer bags, a phlox plant plus a gift certificate deal.

This morning, Ron drove Robert to work and I stayed at the house while the plumbers installed the new hot water heater.

I pruned another Montauk and the four St. Johnsworts. Cleared leaves and put 3 bags of mulch (3 feet each) from Waquoit Feed and Garden in the side garden.

Ron also picked Robert up from work. I have fish and purple sweets in the oven.

Been watching Essentially Ellington most of the afternoon and evening. So impressive, such great talent and hard work. These kids are quite remarkable, as are their teachers and communities.