
It finally rained last night, not a lot, but a help.
Yesterday, CM bought two trees at 50% off at the discount nursery, and with the purchase, we got our pick of vegetable 6-packs for free. She chose lettuce and I came home with a dozen tiny tomato plants which I planted for now in two large previously unused flower boxes filled with Miracle-Gro potting soil.

I’ve never grown tomatoes before, but have heard they are tricky. To prevent blossom end rot, a calcium deficiency, it is recommended to spray with a mixture of 1 cup milk to a gallon of water.
Peter called to do the transfer station run a day early, and we brought Emme and James for ice cream afterwards at Polar Cave, a local business that offered free cones earlier this year to the Mashpee SEPAC. It’s also the only place around where you can get nice servings of good ice cream for four or more people without taking out a bank loan.
I made a quick run to Taylor Rental for the power sprayer and got a couple of hours of work in late yesterday afternoon, no doubt to the chagrin of the neighbors.
Came back with about half a bag of peat moss for CM’s trees, and she was kind enough to invite me for supper.
Earlier in the day, I foolishly drove to BJ’s with only about a quarter tank of gas, a stupid thing to do on a Saturday this time of year.
I hadn’t given this more than a passing thought until I was on the highway back to Mashpee. Luckily, traffic was light to the Route 149 exit, where the road is mostly downhill to the newly renovated gas station at Marstons Mills. I’ve never been happier to see an “Open” flag: the truck took over 15 gallons.
Meanwhile, the deadly tree limb got removed efficiently and unobtrusively, the gardens were fed and the bushes trimmed. I plan to finish the deck today.