Summer Blues

carolynI miss Carolyn. So many good memories of the summer we worked together at DelRay.

I miss Nonna, especially when I’m in the garden. Her advice would have been priceless.

Summer is a downer on Cape Cod if you’re living on a budget and not a tourist.

This year, we’ve been making an effort, both of us, to get ourselves financially stable. It’s easy in some ways – any activity that involves expense pretty much gets passed by. We’ve found free music, though, and even a beautiful free beach. We have tans from working outside. Even having our little vegetable garden helps: organic produce is expensive at the farmer’s markets. We’ve been eating heirloom tomatoes, squash and cukes. Want to enlarge the garden next year.

This week, Ron and I made each other a commitment to exercise every day, starting at 15 minutes and building up to an hour by adding five minutes a week.

We started with a walk around the neighborhood last evening and caught up with Tony and his little pal Charlie, who went nuts over Ron.

I had two check-ups this week, both went well. Told both docs how much I appreciated their good work this summer.

We brought a truckload of wood that Ron hacked from a downed tree to the transfer station on Monday, and I cleaned up some more this morning. Thank goodness for Mike and Tim!

Went to the gym at Sea Mist. 20 minutes on the treadmill for me. Ron did the stationary bike. We went for a dip afterward but were cut short by rain and thunder.