Gardner’s Diary; Lunatics and Their Asylum








I planted all four of the Montbretia (Crocosmia x. ‘Lucifer’) in the front side garden today. Some new blooms have started already, I think because I dowsed them. I was shocked at how dry they were in the pots, even through I’d tried to water them.

It wasn’t too bad to dig up the soil and enhance it with Ron’s good compost. Cleaned things up a bit, put down another pile of white marble rocks that Ron brought over from across the street, and covered with mulch.

We got a little light rain this evening, which was very nice.

Ron and I managed to get through the transfer station run and set up two hoses in the back yard for James. We observed National Ice Cream Day at Sweet Caroline’s.

This morning, I took a drive to the Otis rotary to see the protesters. Occupy Falmouth has been overtaken by the lunatic fringe. There was a flurry of email activity today, most of it unhelpful, and I’m ashamed to admit that I wasted time participating in it.