So Very Smug

“Would fill a stadium”.  How smug.  How very knowing.  This person, a social worker, had no idea of the complexity of the situation he thought he was describing.

I asked Ron yesterday why Peter and I didn’t go to California with him.  He said he didn’t know.  We’re even: I don’t know, either, except that I’ve always believed that I couldn’t rely on other people, that I had to take care of myself.

Last night’s forum on employment matters was very impressive.  Some good contributions and respectful, knowledgeable feedback from Representative Vieira.

Our handout went over well.  Ron got to speak, I did, too, as one of the few, perhaps the only, Libertarian/Tea Party sympathizer in the room.

I told them I was glad for the experience of being a “contingent worker”, that it gave me a point of view that employees don’t have.