
The guys from Capizzi – Bob and Dave – got the shingles stripped and a layer of insulated fabric stapled to the left side of the house today.

Fortunately, the plywood under the shingles is intact, save for one small spot.

Ed happened to come by this morning to drop off a tax form and say goodbye before he leaves for Florida.

I had a good meeting with the IT folks in Barnstable.  Before that, I did some investigating of electricity supply rates, which are going up by about half.  After comparing with NStar and Cape Light Compact, we decided to renew with Viridian at a fixed rate.

Also talked with Comcast customer service about the problems Margaret has had sending emails to me and our intermittent service.  After identifying a problem, something about downstream I think, they sent a signal to the modem.  That seems to have helped.  The modem is 3 years old, so it might need to be replaced.

After leaving the office in Barnstable Village, I drove by the Organic Farm, which was not open, and headed for Hyannis.  Stopped off at the hospital to check out when we could give blood again and visited Harbor Freight.

On the way, called Peter with a belated birthday suggestion, a spare propane tank.  That sounded good to him, so I picked one up at Breakaway in Centerville.  Dropped it off at Edgewater.  James was nice enough to take it off the truck for me.  Bought some raffle tix from him for his DC trip fundraising.

Got back in time to admire the work done on the house.  Put together sausages, onions and green peppers with rice for supper.  Had rice, egg, cheese and lemon soup for lunch.

I’m tired.