Plumber, Kitchen Chemist

I decided to clean the bathroom sink today. It turned into a bigger job than I’d planned. We cleaned out the mess, but Ron noticed that the pivot rod had corroded. This lead to an argument about waiting until tomorrow to buy one at the plumbing supply store.

I was able to get the part at Aubuchon in East Falmouth today, though, and eventually we got the assembly back together again. I cleaned out the cabinet and gave the bathroom floor a quick cleaning as well.

Yesterday, we got the gates off the deck and Ron had filled in most of the screw holes, so today I did a little last minute puttying and sanding, then got two coats of deck stain on. Mercifully, it was the perfect temperature, actually got up to 70 degrees. It started raining a little before four.

We did the transfer station run and finally were able to drop off our little welcome-to-the-neighborhood gift to the new family on Briar Patch.

Ron has stagehand duty tonight at the Woods Hole Folk Music Society (Jeff Muldaur), so while he ran a last-minute errand, I threw together a tuna/noodle casserole, beet/orange salad, lemon bars and for the concert half-time, brownies. I try to bake in spurts so the oven heats up for at least two items.