Yes, it’s Friday morning, sunny and pleasant, with showers (which we need) predicted for tomorrow.
The purple crocuses are blooming, and the tulips are coming up. Planted frost pansies in the flower boxes at #11 last weekend, Emme picked them out at the Rotary Garden Club Show in Hyannis.

Even James had a good time at the show, which he agreed to attend on the promise of swag. They brought home some good stuff, frisbees, water guns, a sponge, a yardstick, balloons, little plush seagull toys. You can see the gunfight photos on Flickr.
It’s so nice to see the sun before and after work, and yesterday, it was warm enough to walk around midday without a jacket.
It’s been an intense week, and like a lot of other people, I’m ready for some down time. A little R&R sounds just about right.