Outside, Inside, Getting Started

We had a mild winter in these parts, but it still seemed long, so this past weekend, I spent most of my time outside, either doing yardwork or watching my grandkids ride their bikes.

The youngest and middle grandchild enjoy the outdoors, and I’m proud to say that both of them don’t need training wheels any more. The six year old accomplished that yesterday.
The most difficult thing about learning to ride a bike is getting started, generating enough momentum to get one’s balance and both feet on the pedals.
Recently, the 6 and 9 year olds have been doing tandem overnights, and it seems to work out well for everyone. The oldest gets his down time at home, and the younger two keep each other company.
There’s a nearby cul-de-sac, the center of which is a large grassy area, and it’s the perfect place to learn to ride bikes, very little traffic and plenty of places to fall without getting hurt.
The youngest grandchild is a natural athlete, so sports come easy to him, and his sister, much to her credit, works very hard to keep up.
Saturday we worked outside on their front yard, clearing an unsightly area and putting in a half truckload of gravel which I’d picked up that morning at a local landscape supply place. It’s now a peaceful sitting area, a small meditation garden where one can enjoy a view of the yard and the gentle sound of a pretty windchime.
Unlike getting ready for the office, I need no motivation to work outside. The office is chaos, a big room with no windows where one person with a loud voice can jar your nerves and make you lose concentration.
So, this Monday morning, it’s hard to get my feet up and balance myself, much harder than it was at this time on Saturday.