Lunch was the only bad thing about today; I ordered poorly and got a heavy dip instead of the chicken wings I wanted.
Spent an hour or so with Peter W. and Sandy F-S at Walmart collecting signatures for the minimum wage and sick leave initiatives. At least I did it, mortal terror or not, successful or not. Judy Z. was a champion, she collected a gigantic number before she quit for lunch.
Stopped at Job Lot after lunch for candy, adding nutritional injury to injury.
Hammered into pieces a huge bowlful of stale bread and fed the gulls at Menahaunt. They didn’t like eating crumbs out of the bowl.
Found some tiny pieces of sea glass that had been “cooked” enough to bring home, and some milkweed pods!
Ron went to the Woods Hole Folk Music Society concert, and I have the house to myself – luxury!