Labor Day

The best day of the summer is here, except that starting tomorrow, school buses will be clogging the roadways again.

We intended to get to the Sagamore for an anti-Pilgrim demonstration, but couldn’t make our way through traffic.

We joined some very nice ladies at the Oak Street overpass to wave goodbye to the tourists, something I’ve wanted to do for years. I discovered that it’s not that much fun unless you’re with a crowd, though: some fool flipped Ron and I the bird after the ladies left.

Unwilling to pay $20 to park at Sandy Neck beach, we’d boxed a lunch and ate it at Meetinghouse Farm while admiring their flower garden.

It’s been a poor weekend, weather-wise. After transfer station run yesterday, we crossed the bridge for cheaper gas and thwarted visits to the Old Company store and Tihonet Village. Ron lost his keys somewhere along the way but found them in the truck this morning.

Laughing fits last night folding laundry when Ron imitated Tantor the Elephant.