Too Hot

It had to have hit over 100 today; it was 99 in the shade.

We brought Emme to the Fire Ball ceremony last night. Lots of enthusiasm and very impressive strength and bravery on the part of the players.

We went back to the Pow Wow this morning to hear Emma Jo play the flute. We didn’t stay long, too hot.

Had a rough morning, woke up around 5:45 am with muscle pain in my back and right arm. Thought it was either from the sunburn, sleeping in a bad position or a heart problem. Took an aspirin and a reflux med and went back to sleep.

Fell asleep for over 2 hours after Ron made lunch – crabmeat salad, excellent. Ron’s really been taking a lot of the load off, and I appreciate that!

Made turkey salad from yesterday’s bird for supper. Had grilled the turkey breast (Ron split it) and was amazed at how juicy it came out. Fluffles has really been enjoying it, too!

We skipped Blithewold, unfortunately. Stupid of me to sign us up, I hadn’t taken Westbound traffic into consideration. It’s been a nightmare. Also, way too hot to leave Fluffles outside. I’ll get there one of these days.