Being Nice

I’ve been warning people lately to not expect much from me because I’m not a “nice” person.

It’s taken a while for me to figure out exactly how to explain this.

“Nice” as in using insincere “tut-tut” noises like “Bless your heart” or “Well, that’s different” like a rapier.
“Nice” as in making allowances for those who don’t merit the courtesy because they have money or position.
“Nice” as in “butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth”.
“Nice” as in being loathe to tell the truth or for that matter to listen to it.
“Nice” as in doing things just to ingratiate yourself with others and/or just to appear – nice.

“Nice” doesn’t mean loyal, trustworthy or even observant of basic social graces. It doesn’t mean doing volunteer work or helping out a friend.

There is something sinister and manipulative about “nice”, as opposed to “decent”, “hard-working”, “generous”.

I am not nice and am quite self-righteous about that. So, there.