We watched the preparation of this healthy soup the other day and decided it would be a good recipe for a cabbage we’ve been storing for weeks from our CSA.
Ron did all the chopping: whole cabbage, carrots, garlic, onions, celery. We added a couple of cans of chopped tomatoes, veg broth and spices.
It’s been snowing off and on all day. No need to go out so a good time to take on a cooking project with lots of prep.
Meanwhile I worked on cleaning a coffee stain from the living room carpet. An oxy-based Bissell product seems to have worked the best but still hard on the back and shoulders.
I’m giving up on doing any more with the corner closet so put back the a/c and tv tables, leaving room for the vacuum cleaner. At least the holes in the floor and the wall are closed and the outlet is fixed.