Carpet Cleaning, Giant Branch, Standout

Yesterday we rented a Bissell at Aubuchon and by noon today had moved furniture, vacuumed and cleaned the living room carpet.

It was easier than I thought it would be and I’m annoyed that we didn’t do this six months ago.

After cleaning myself up, I attended a Project 2025 standout at Field Park.

Last night a huge branch fell on one of the sheds. Ron shoved it aside this afternoon.

I grilled burgers for lunch/supper. Stung again by a hornet, realized there was a nest on the back of one of the chairs next to the grill! Furious, I sprayed the nest and knocked it on the deck. It was full of eggs – the nasty creature did me a favor.

One of the daylilies that I repotted for the deck bloomed. We have two Brandywines and a bunch of cherry tomatoes.