History of 71 Henderson

Picked up lunch at the Senior Center yesterday and met a neighbor who is related to our friends next door. He filled me in on some of the history of our house.

It’s a good deal older than we thought, 120 years or more: the neighbor’s father was born in this house in 1914!

We figure the little boys are at least fifth generation Williamstown residents.

Brought the old gutters and parts to the transfer station yesterday afternoon.

Stopped by Preite to drop off a check but no answer on the furnace return duct size question. From my research, it’s not magic: depends on the tonnage. Ours is 3.5.

I found another filter, a small one absolutely packed with detritus, in the furnace and replaced it. Picked up a better filter for the top of the box, will use it when it’s time for a new one.

On the way back, I bought muffins and biscotti from a lady who had a pop-up next to Wild Soul River.

Landscaper came by today to go over pruning the forsythia and reinforcing the back. The back of the yard is fine in his view and he’s got us on his list for the forsythia and maybe the rhodie, too. Very likely not until after they bloom.

Another plumbing company called. Long, rambling conversation that probably won’t go anywhere.

Ron got to the redemption center and brought home some great Sam Adams. He doesn’t like it; more for me!

I continued going through old paperwork. Found a giant bag of items to be shredded and a pile of recyclables. Didn’t accomplish much of anything else today, Saturday.