
I started painting this week: the new wall, the downstairs bathroom door. The latter is a priority so Ron can re-hang the mirror to check himself out before leaving the house.

Ron has been busy; trimmed a bunch of branches overhanging the shed on the South side of the yard and did a couple of transfer station runs yesterday.

Yesterday I picked up a bunch of two-fers at the organic market and more painting materials at Carr’s.

It’s been hot, heat index over 90 degrees. Sitting on the deck is not bad except for Ron’s jabbering after a couple of beers.

I watered three areas yesterday and woke up worrying that Ron had left the water on. He hadn’t, to his credit.

Figured out that the IKEA bookcase will not fit downstairs but there’s plenty of wall for it in the third bedroom.

Moved three file cabinets and Ron’s nice little end table out of the solarium/sunroom.