Rain, Glorious Rain; Chores

Deluge yesterday, cloudy right now but more is expected later and tomorrow for the Fourth.

Ron picked up a gorgeous little peach rose and a gerbera. We went back for a hanging basket and a planter for the deck.

James was here today for a productive three hours, doing handyman stuff with his usual good humor.

He sanded the front door threshold so the door closes and opens easily. He and I, mostly him of course, moved furniture from the bedroom to the “office”. He removed the weird 3-light pole lamp from the bedroom and filled in the hole in the ceiling.

He hauled the rocks from the sewer line project to the new garden and cement from the ugly bird feeder to his truck.

Ron tightened the hose fitting by the driveway spigot. He found the old nozzle; two new ones arrived today.

I booked an appointment for the truck at KM Toyota this Friday. Grateful for Norm’s help last week.

Brought the gone-by hanger pansies to the compost drop-off. Picked up lunch at the senior center. Bought a couple of hose adapters at Aubuchon, neither is what we need.

Inspired by James, spent a couple of hours on “quality of life” chores myself, including getting rid of the annoying tape residue from two living room window sills and stowing pillows, a blanket and a king spread in the second bedroom closet.