Brass Concert

I enjoyed the Williams College Brass Ensemble end of year concert last night. Their performance of Mussorgsky’s “Great Gate of Kiev” was a particularly moving finale.

We had a hard freeze last night and the poor pansies were limp this morning. Fortunately, by noon they’d recovered. Tough little guys!

I finally put all but a handful of mulch on the garden that abuts the deck. Ron was too busy composing Great Thoughts to help until the very end. His “help” was minimal and accompanied by a lot of bitching and complaining.

The gentleman from GEM continued work. He pointed out that some of the wiring looks like it’s been chewed. Oh joy.

Electricians from Mass Save tried to inspect the wiring but were unable to get to the attic because of the toxic spraying – bad timing. One of the electricians came back today. As expected, they didn’t find knob and tube but did recommend other work that I passed on to PeterM.

The architect and two contractors discussed our second floor challenges this morning. Another two never showed up.

I was able to fit in a fine Stats colloquium on Shrinkage: Stein’s Paradox.

The plumber, who is also the Plumbing Inspector for two towns, finished up most of the sewer pipe venting. He needs a part for the rest and hopes to come back next week.

We went to Walmart for Ron’s meds and a few groceries.

We dropped the truck off in Pownal for servicing tomorrow.

Ron was a train wreck tonight, in terrible pain from a mysterious neck and shoulder injury. We both collapsed early.