Fake It Till You Hurt Someone

I’ve been taken in by two fakers this year, the second of whom I asked to stop work, pack up his stuff and leave.

Before he could load up on supplies at rkMILES for another disaster, I stopped him by sheer dumb luck.

The bulkhead door is secure but it’s unworkable. The bottom hinge is distorted and attached in a weird, incorrect way.

Ron and I were able to fold up the big tarp that had been hanging in the bulkhead doorway. Later we swept and shoveled piles of insulation, dirt, cement, mousetraps and other detritus from the basement floor. Who knows, maybe we can make it into a rec room after all, ha ha.

We also temporarily repositioned the heat ducts next to the door that had been knocked askew.

Meanwhile, last night, attended a fine meeting at Wild Soul River and got to ask a lot of questions of the Select Board, School District Board, Planning Board and FinCom representatives. Learned a lot about the budget process in particular, and not just about Williamstown.

Our new town has quirks because of the Fire District and Regional Schools. Also has only one Town Meeting a year. Budgets are voted on by department and line item holds are not allowed.

Potted the last flat and cut some forsythia to accompany the pussy willows from Wild Soul River.