Over the Edge?

Trying to figure out what pushed me to put this house on the market. Happened in August, I think, around the time we were asking (nicely) for the Affordable Housing Committee to be recorded and for David to be named Chair of the SB.

I signed off on the agreement with the moving company today and after a call from Barbara, sent instructions for transfer of the solar contract to just about everyone I could think of.

Received much appreciated guidance from my Williamstown attorney very early this morning on a closing date: November 30. Moving trucks will arrive on December 1.

Barbara’s company is sending a cleaning crew on the 28th or 29th, can’t remember which.

It seems to be my Karma to have these complicated matters happen around the time of holidays. We’ll be living with boxes for several days which freaked me out at first but who cares.

Betsy has been very encouraging. Peter says he just might visit. I realized today that I might not see him again otherwise. I’m scared of that prospect. It made me cry when I looked at the peony from his yard that I transplanted. Hope to take the plant with us. Asking for advice from gardeners.